Easy Voting - Democracy matters

Easy Voting 3

Some essential features of the app

Easy Voting 3 is a follower of earlier versions, starting in 2013. On the web it has a long history.

One feature that remained stable all the time is the included HowTo, the user instruction. Handling the app is easy as its name promises.

Other features developed. Easy Voting adapated to the new IOS versions all the time, with entailed code rewriting.

The inner structure of the app was improved and simplified. Often change started from the user interface and penetrated into the internal structure of app.

Easy Voting 3 asks for an Apple ID user identification. App data can be exported to the user's devices.

A suitable voting app should fit your group, the current environment and the decisions to be made.

Easy Voting is good for small to medium groups who can vote handling around one device, normally owned by the vote organizer.

Easy Voting 3 is fine for votes with clearly cut choices: this person, that person, this play, that play. It is less suitable for surveys.

Surveys or polls are less appropriate in small or medium size groups who are together. Direct communication is better - issues can be discussed so that the opinions are stated and may develop.

The application domain does not matter. Labels are in English, but for your data you can use any utf8-coded language.

Testmembers for EasyVoting 3


Which voting apps live in the IOS App Store?

When putting my EasyVoting 3 app into the App Store an obvious question came up again: in which company do I enter the app? A first glimpse on voting apps in App Store confirmed the issue: the voting app environment there promised surprises. So I set on.

My query for voting.apps in two passes yielded some 160 items. I inspected the first 15 and the last 15 of them.

Voting apps differ widely.

Voting apps often perform inside a larger platform of a company.

Voting app functions may range from near-to-nothing to a big set of operations.

Voting apps enter into very different application areas.

Apps may include voting / polling as a marginal function.

Voting is interpreted differently according to own perspectives.
  • Voting is reduced to users deciding on own preferences, with or without consequences.
  • Voting serves marketing by making potential customers consider this or that specialty of the own brand.
  • Voting may combine enterprise marketing and customer fun, life style and shopping.
  • Voting is a payed job as survey taker.
  • Voting refers to public political votes, handling the voting procedure, informing voters or winning their support.
So far in brief. My report tells you more and displays the commented data samples: Voting apps in App Store